2024’s Wardrobe MVPs: The Pieces I Was Obsessed With All Year (still am tbh)
Not to be dramatic, but clothes tell stories.
Et like Jeremy Strong (trigger warning to Brian Cox), I am simply a storyteller. This year, a lot of stories were told. I won’t disclose how many ‘fit pics made it to the 2024 album, but believe me—it’s a lot. (Hint: whatever number you’re thinking of, multiply it by 13–then think of an even bigger number than that.)
I could regale you with the lore behind every look—trust me, I could—but neither of us has that kind of time. So instead, let’s take a look at the heavy hitters: the MVPs of my 2024 wardrobe roster.
The Zara “Mermaid Skirt”
Dubbed the “mermaid skirt” by a stylist et former fashion director I adore, this teal sequin midi saw me through many moments this year—from a wrap dinner in Belgium to prancing around Porto. Queen of duality. I picked it up at Zara years ago during one of thee end-of-season sales. It was just lying on the floor at what used to be my favorite location: the one at [REDACTED], because it’s out of the way for the city girls et, in my opinion, their sale mess is the worst of all the Toronto Zaras—which just means more hidden gems. Bunched up in a tangled pile, not a hanger in sight, I had no idea what it was—top? Dress? Scarf?—but the color was so refreshing, et the way the sequins lit up under the halogen spotlights was almost poetic. I immediately thought, “I bet I’d have so much fun in this…whatever it is.” Et did, et do, et will again someday.
LEVI’S Blue 90’s Trucker Denim Jacket
A denim jacket is a wardrobe essential. Only further proven by the fact that I’ve worn mine over 30 times this year. Buying this jacket was, dare I say, an off-the-cuff purchase. We were having dinner during our Scotland shoot et in strolled Sheri Stroh wearing a LEVI’S Blue 90’s Trucker Denim Jacket.
I’ve seen trucker jackets before—I’ve even owned a few—but it was the way Sheri’s jacket sat on her shoulders et the way the sleeves billowed out that made me want it. Sheri mentioned it was on sale at SSENSE et offered to let me try hers on for size. Her medium was sold out (which no doubt accounted for that perfect shoulder/sleeve shape), but she encouraged me to get the small anyway.
Naturally, I bought the jacket right there at the table. Time was of the essence! I was already five whole hours ahead of my regular time zone. What if I’d passed away the next day et never knew the goodness of this jacket?! Looking back, I’m not sure if it was entirely the jacket or if I’m just drawn to the way Sheri puts herself together. She’s my go-to gal for great denim picks, et I’ll ride to the ends of the earth for any woman who can rock a cool cropped haircut.
No regrets on the jacket, though—it was clearly meant to be.
Black Silk INDOCHINO Tie
Sometime this year or last (honestly, it could have been last week—time is just a suggestion at this point), Amanda Murray posted an IG story about neckties trending up for women, et I felt so incredibly seen. I love a tie! I love them in a boat, I love them with a goat. I’d wear one in the rain, et in the dark, etc etc
After an adventurous 10 days shooting a campaign in Honolulu, the hardest part of the wrap revealed itself: sorting everything out to fly back home. Seriously, ask anyone in the industry if carnet is their most hated part of shooting on location. If they say no, run—because that motherf*cker is not real!
Thankfully I work with stylists who always see it through with efficiency, patience et grace. We thank them for their service so when they ask for help sending things back you happily pack the blazers, the tailored shorts et the black silk tie. No one ever asked for the tie back, et we’ve been lovers ever since.
Cherry Red Cowboy Boots
One summer, I was aimlessly walking along the Mount Royal strip. The great thing about aimless summer strolls is that you can pretend you’re anywhere (scientifically proven: winter is all bad for the imagination). Et such was the case when I saw them.
There I was, pretending I was on the charming cobblestone streets of a Hallmark film set, leisurely strolling after picking up tea tree oil from that au naturel wellness shop I like—specifically because it’s close et the cash girls always compliment my nails—when I spotted the funnest cowboy boots swinging off a rack outside a thrift store. A thrift store I knew well, because I accidentally stole a bandana from there once.
Anyway, these beauties were just hanging there, 100% leather et beautiful but untouched for God knows how long. Relatable. Priced at only twenty Canadian dollars. I immediately thought, something must be wrong with them, et there kinda was. They definitely needed to be reheeled soon, et the leather at the front of the toe box on the right foot was peeling, but they had a few wears left before their date with the cobbler. Light work. I snatched them up real quick et spent the whole summer clicking their needs-a-little-care heels from Mount Royal to Peebles.
Navy New Era Yankees Cap
I feel like everybody has at least one Yankees hat. That or I follow of lot people from New York on Instagram…
I’ve worn mine to death, only to revive it once again to wear it some more.
I didn’t buy this hat, much like I didn’t buy 90% of the sports merch in my closet. Sporty stuff just kind of appears amongst your belongings without much effort, at least in my experience. The untalked about perks of being just a girl who dates just guys.
This one, however, came from work. It was handed to me waaaay back when I started my current job. Something about a Yankees partnership leading to an influx of navy caps we couldn’t give away fast enough. Idk, this is PR (Pre-Renée) tea, so it’s probably not even as exciting as I’m making it sound.
I’m not even sure if the Yankees are considered a good baseball team, but they must be because they are the Lakers of baseball, right? Seriously asking as I would not know. Shoutout to all the sporty spices!